
Posts Tagged ‘BEF’

Recent Star Award Recipients

In Education on August 31, 2015 at 9:29 pm

This past June, 18 teachers in the Burlington Schools were nominated to receive BEF Star Awards for making a difference in the lives of their students during the school year. The unsuspecting teachers were each presented an Educator Certificate of Appreciation and heartfelt thank you note from the family that had nominated them.

Congratulations to the following STAR recipients:

Fox Hill Elementary School Teachers: Adrienne Levesque and Ellen Lewis

Francis Wyman Elementary School Teachers: Shelagh Maiorana, Letitia Zani, Kelli Stromski, and Kim Lynch

Memorial Elementary School Teachers: Aimee Warford, Holly Weinburg, and Elizabeth Guttenplan

Pine Glen Elementary School Teachers: Elaine Babajtis, Madeline Perry, and Amanda Lane

Marshall Simonds Middle School Teachers: Gail Brosnan, Patricia Gibbons, Marsha Cooley, and Stephanie Pratt

Burlington High School Teachers: Breanne Sette and Benjamin Lally

Pine Glen: Elaine Babajtis, Amanda Lane, and Madeline Perry

Pine Glen: Elaine Babajtis, Amanda Lane, and Madeline Perry

MSMS: Marsha Cooley, Gail Brosnan, Patricia Gibbons, and Stephanie Pra

MSMS: Marsha Cooley, Gail Brosnan, Patricia Gibbons, and Stephanie Pra

Memorial School: Holly Weinburg, Aimee Warford, and Elizabeth Guttenplan

Memorial School: Holly Weinburg, Aimee Warford, and Elizabeth Guttenplan

Fox Hill: Adrienne Levesque, Principal Ellen Johnson, and Ellen Lewis

Fox Hill: Adrienne Levesque, Principal Ellen Johnson, and Ellen Lewis


Not shown: Burlington High School Teachers: Breanne Sette and Benjamin Lally
Francis Wyman Elementary School Teachers: Shelagh Maiorana, Letitia Zani, Kelli Stromski, and Kim Lynch

BEF Grand Raffle – Final week to buy tickets!

In Education on May 27, 2014 at 8:21 pm

Please consider making a $10 raffle purchase to support the BEF. The Grand Prize is a $1,000 Capital Grille certificate! The second and third prizes are weekend memberships to the Burlington Swim and Tennis Club. Fourth prize is a $150 Long’s Gift Card and the fifth prize is a Hooded Sweatshirt donated by Lucky13 Fitness.

You can purchase a raffle ticket(s) and receive a receipt through our secure donation website using the link below.


You can also fill out the attached Grand Raffle form and mail to BEF, PO Box 756, Burlington MA 01803.

Grand Prize Raffle

The Grand Raffle will be drawn on June 1st. Good luck!!!

Thank you,

The Burlington Education Foundation
